✰✰✰✰ Best For : Phase 3+, MYP Description : This activity was done by Chelsea Woods, as seen here:  Chelsea's Post . Her actual ac...

The Role of Discussion and Engagement


Best For: Phase 3+, MYP

Description: This activity was done by Chelsea Woods, as seen here: Chelsea's Post. Her actual activity was really to get students to sit together and talk through their analysis rather than do it on their own. She recognizes how this needs prompting at times, and how we need to focus these activities and discussions. By getting students to sit around a big poster with a task, we find they showcase several of the ATL skills (Collaboration - delegation of roles, e.g.) as well as building up group vocabulary and ideas. Putting EAL students within these groups and just raising the expectations for contributing within the group can prove to be very powerful. Combining this with other EAL Support, such as a TDOIE to build up vocabulary for students contributing would make this activity more powerful.

Ranking: The ideas behind this activity are 5-stars, but perhaps this time around Chelsea admits was only about 3 stars in how well it went and truly thinking about EAL learners. This was also geared towards older students, as PYP classes are probably more consistently doing activities like this, so more of a reminder for the Secondary to implement these wonderful ideas!