✰✰✰✰ Best for Upper PYP and Lower MYP (Phase 2+) Description : Talking points , structuring meaningful discussions - This idea stemme...



Best for Upper PYP and Lower MYP (Phase 2+)

Description: Talking points, structuring meaningful discussions - This idea stemmed from how much of learning happens through students talking. And with our Language Learners often needing more support in being part of those conversations. But teaching students to have discussions with real purpose is not always as easy as we might think it is. This first resource might be better for upper PYP students, to help teach and scaffold language in general, there is a rubric that goes with it. The rubric itself could be used for older students as well. The key here is to teach how to have a conversation, and then to have this in small groups, without roles! and help each student engage. I did this in groups of 3, and didn't use their specific talking points but geared it more around our topic, but let them know what I was looking for. I then gave prompting powerful questions to keep them thinking. Most importantly, the Language Learners were in small groups, and others were instructed to engage them with questions like: "What do you think?" Some repeated what they had heard, but others surprised us with knowledge that they knew that may not have been shared if not in this type of setting.

Ranking: Very successful, and teaching this oracy skills is so important. To improve this, especially if in a classroom and not outside or in the gym, I might add in the academic language and even scaffold sentence starters for students more to help them be even more successful. Probably a 4-star for upper PYP and lower MYP depending upon situation, but structuring this is useful for all!


✰✰✰ Best For : Phase 1+ Any Grade Level Description : This is a standard Gini technique where students could work together or i...



Best For: Phase 1+ Any Grade Level

Description: This is a standard Gini technique where students could work together or individually to create this doc with the Tier 3 (specific to this unit) vocabulary. This really helps students take the vocabulary and create context for themselves (Mother Tongue and own example and image) to understand the words.

Ranking: This only gets 3 stars, because it is a written (typing) one, and we are looking for non-written practices. It is good for understanding and helping students understand, and going back to this and making and practicing flashcards with different games from this is a quite good idea.